Sanctuary’s science, spin and songs
Bryan Sanctuary

February 20, 2010

The Aufbau Principle

httpvh:// In this clip the Aufbau Principle of the electronic structure of the elements is shown as an example of the content of MCH multimedia’s General Chemistry tutorials.  The Aufbau or building up principle makes use of the Hydrogen Orbitals and the Pauli Principle. Buy the General Chemistry Tutorial from MCH […]
February 4, 2010

Plotting Chemical Kinetics–steady state

httpvh:// In this video one of the many uses of plotting in the ebooks is given.  The example is first order consecutive reactions where the rate equations for the the concentration changes are plotted.  By varying the rate constants so that the first is ten times smaller than the second, the steady […]
February 4, 2010

Chemical Calorimetry

httpvh:// In this video step-a by-step description is given of a bomb calorimeter that is used to measure the internal energy of a sample.  If you burn as sample completely and measure the heat that evolves, you can find the thermodynamic internal energy.  Recall that internal energy is a state […]
February 3, 2010

MCH Science E-learning Products : Overview

  httpvh:// Summary of MCH High School and College Chemistry and Physics Each of our five courses covers all the material and more that are found in chemistry and physics courses from the high school to College level. The courses entail between 100 and 200 hours of study each.  They […]
February 1, 2010

MCH Science E-Learning Products: Pricing

httpvh:// Pricing Our regular prices are about half the cost of hard copy text books and offer much more. There are two types of pricing.  Regular prices and student prices which are discounted 25% by fromm regular pricing.  You can purchase the programs on DVD or by download. The fastes […]
October 31, 2009

What I like about quantum mechanics.

The purpose of the is blog is to stimulate discussion into the interpretation of qm. I am sure that you have ideas, questions, comments about qm and reactions to what I say. I invite you to submit those in my blog and perhaps we can stimulate a lively discussion and even get to some answers as to what qm really means.

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