Sanctuary’s science, spin and songs
Bryan Sanctuary

February 13, 2020

Rich Content

Equally important to appealing to the sensibilities of the learners is creating programs that are accurate and rich in content. MCH works closely with subject matter experts to ensure accuracy and content-richness. Our team puts great effort into meeting the highest standards. Rigorous pilot testing and content evaluation are central […]
February 13, 2020

Successful Learning

The process begins by acquiring an understanding of where a learning problem or need may exist. The main areas of focus of course are the needs of the learners and instructors in each situation. We use the most recent educational statistics, and conduct interviews with learners and instructors in order […]
February 13, 2020

Freewares and Sharewares

MCH received the contract to develop a multimedia package to accompany the book. In recent years work has been focused on correcting small typos in the eBook, developing the solutions manual, and simplifying the copy protection. In addition the older products of chemistry, organic chemistry and physics are now distributed […]
February 13, 2020

Physical Chemistry Ebook

Upon the passing of Professor Laidler the copyright for the book returned the the authors. Starting in 2007, MCH, working with various developers, started to convert Laidler, Meiser and Sanctuary to a top quality eBook which was published in December of 2009b
February 13, 2020

How to decompress 7z files

Comming soon
February 13, 2020

How to activate Physical Chemistry eBook-Mac

Mac: PLEASE NOTE: You must install the latest version of Adobe Reader (if absence gives error 00520202) Without the Adobe Reader, the programs will not run. Installation The files are large, so please be patient when downloading. The downloaded file opens to the following folder: Click on either one of […]
February 13, 2020

How to download and use Wine

Coming soon!
February 13, 2020

How to download and use shareware

PC only but see WINE for Mac In the shop, open the SHAREWARE category. These are shareware:  that means they are not free, but you can download them for free and use them as much as you want.  However if you like the programs, please consider making a donation. Each […]
February 13, 2020

How to download and use freeware

Simply go to the Freeware page from the shop: and click one of the two options: Chemical Resources – Periodic Table, etc.,  (PC and Mac) Multimedia – All LMS Animations (PC ONLY), but will work on Mac using WINE (Wine Is Not a windows Emulator) – see blog about using WINE. Click on […]
February 13, 2020

How to activate Physical Chemistry eBook-PC

the zip program .7z is now the PC standard for zipping.  If you do not have it, please download and install it from PC: Unzip the file: Right click the file and choose extract from .7z if necessary. Installation The files are large, so please be patient when downloading.The downloaded […]
February 11, 2020

J. Heisenberg Uncertainty and the 2D spin

The 2D structured spin gives an example which provides a basic understanding of how Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle works. The mathematical basis for this Principle follows because observables in quantum mechanics sometimes do not commute.  Examples are position-momentum; energy-time; difference orthogonal components of the angular momentum vector. For spin, the Pauli spin operators […]
February 11, 2020

K. Filtering the 2D spin-cannot filter coherences

In the last entry I showed that the two dimensional spin cannot be fully characterized by measurement because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.  This results because when measured, half the states are randomized away.  In fact it was concluded that this 2D spin is capable of measurement along each orthogonal […]

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