Sanctuary’s science, spin and songs
Bryan Sanctuary

February 13, 2020

How to download and use freeware

Simply go to the Freeware page from the shop: and click one of the two options: Chemical Resources – Periodic Table, etc.,  (PC and Mac) Multimedia – All LMS Animations (PC ONLY), but will work on Mac using WINE (Wine Is Not a windows Emulator) – see blog about using WINE. Click on […]
February 13, 2020

How to activate Physical Chemistry eBook-PC

the zip program .7z is now the PC standard for zipping.  If you do not have it, please download and install it from PC: Unzip the file: Right click the file and choose extract from .7z if necessary. Installation The files are large, so please be patient when downloading.The downloaded […]
February 11, 2020

J. Heisenberg Uncertainty and the 2D spin

The 2D structured spin gives an example which provides a basic understanding of how Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle works. The mathematical basis for this Principle follows because observables in quantum mechanics sometimes do not commute.  Examples are position-momentum; energy-time; difference orthogonal components of the angular momentum vector. For spin, the Pauli spin operators […]
February 11, 2020

K. Filtering the 2D spin-cannot filter coherences

In the last entry I showed that the two dimensional spin cannot be fully characterized by measurement because of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.  This results because when measured, half the states are randomized away.  In fact it was concluded that this 2D spin is capable of measurement along each orthogonal […]
February 11, 2020

L: Wave AND Particle Duality: Coherences AND polarizations

The wave-particle duality concept is at the heart of the foundations of quantum mechanics.  Here I want to show that the 2D spin gives a clear visualization that the wave-particle question comes down to how we look at spins.  That is, the wave or particle nature depends upon how we […]
February 11, 2020

Physical Chemistry—how to get the math across?

Which is harder, chemistry of physics?  It is generally accepted that physics is harder because of the math. In fact I am pretty sure that many students opt for chemistry over physics because of the harder math in physics; and life sciences over chemistry for the same reason. Ok, it might […]
February 11, 2020

Teaching physical chemistry–lecture recording?

At McGill like many universities, in large class rooms there is the possibility of lecture recording. I have done this for a number of years teaching my 150 or so Physical Chemistry life science students.  Of course there are pros and cons of recording, as noted in the blog by Zimmerman Although the […]
February 11, 2020

Physical Chemistry – Overview of Thermodynamics

The challenge of teaching thermodynamics to physical chemistry life science students is to have them understand the relationships between the macroscopic properties involving heat, work, energy and entropy.  After dispelling the myth that energy is stored in chemical bonds; after introducing the concept of temperature, and contrasting it to heat capacity; and […]
April 30, 2015

L: Wave AND Particle Duality: Coherences AND polarizations

That 2D spin carries polarization along two axes and each axis contributes √2 correlation to the CHSH form of BI. Hence this spin, I will show, accounts for all the correlation, 2√2, that violates BI. This definitely goes contrary to Bell’s theorem, and as a result, non-locality is history.
April 6, 2015

K. Filtering the 2D spin-cannot filter coherences

In the treatment here it is believed that before entering the field, the spin is a free particle and displays the √2 states. It is this spin that starts off in the superposed states of the two orthogonal axes, that depend upon the LHV, |±,r=q,f>n1=±1. Note here there are four pure states: two associated with n1=+1 and two with n1=-1, which cannot be simultaneously measured. We measure either n1=+1 states or n1=-1, but not both simultaneously. Half are averaged away when measured.
March 22, 2015

J. Heisenberg Uncertainty and the 2D spin

Space is now no longer isotropic in the presence of a measuring probe, and so the √2 spin cannot form, nor can the mirror states. Since the spin is oriented some way, one axis is going to be closer to the applied field than the other. That one lines up while the other axis spins in the plane perpendicular to the applied field,
March 15, 2015

I. What does a Singlet State look like?

When I was a graduate student, and studying quantum mechanics, I came across a statement by Heisenberg which impressed me.  We have no trouble visualizing the macroscopic world.  It is our common environment and when someone throws a ball to you, you need no Newtonian mechanics to catch it.  If […]

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