February 7, 2013

Seminar: A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox–Part 7 Video

In this part after the seminar there is a question and answer period for the seminar: A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox.
February 5, 2013

Seminar: A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox–Part 5 Video

In this part my two dimensional spin model in introduced. The model treats one of the many spins that makes up the statistical ensemble that is the quantum state. It is shown how averaging over all the Local Hidden Variables agrees completely with the correlation found in EPR experiments in a local and realistic way.
February 4, 2013

Seminar: A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox–Part 4 Video

Two aspects of quantum mechanics that are not understood are non-locality and the persistence of entanglement to space-like separations. In this part entanglement is explained and non-locality is shown to be a concept that no-one understands. Non-locality is called quantum weirdness.
February 1, 2013

Seminar: A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox–Part 3 Video

In this part of the seminar it is pointed out that quantum mechanics is a theory of measurement of the microscopic. This means that a probe of some sort must be used to "see" spin. However it is pointed out that states exist in the completely isotropic environment in the absence of a probe.
January 31, 2013

Seminar: A local realistic reconciliation of the EPR paradox–Part 2 Video

The longest standing unsolved problem in quantum mechanics is the EPR paradox. Its history is traced from the 1927 Solvay Conference to the present time. Today non-locality is firmly entrenched in physics and in spite of various experiments on teleportation, quantum cryptography and quantum computing, no one understands now entanglement persists to space like separation.
January 3, 2013

CHSH: there lies a vector of length √2

....rather than showing the consistency of the 2D spin with the CHSH equation, we show the CHSH equation predicts the hidden spin. That is starting with the CHSH form of Bell’s Inequalities, a vector of length √2 is found that maximizes the CHSH equation: the 2D spin is hidden inside the CHSH equation.
July 2, 2011

Quantum Crackpot RANDI Challenge Taken: Part 2

An unfiltered particle is called “Pristine” as defined in the website called Bell’s theorem refuted. The values of the LHV of a pristine particle are unknown. A pristine EPR pair is one before filtering. ....I will present a model that shows a disentangled product state not only gives the quantum result, but predicts something new.
June 29, 2011

Quantum Crackpot Randi Challenge Taken: Part 1

In answering the Crackpot Randi Challenge, I following Crackpot rules to obtain results which agree with the experimental data of Gregor Weihs and Alain Aspect, without entanglement.
June 27, 2011

Quantum Crackpot RANDI Counter Challenge: “Explain Quantum Weirdness”.

The phrase “quantum weirdness” is recognized as meaningless and has no place in science.
June 22, 2011

Quantum Crackpot-a Challenge Taken

Their challenge is—“Anybody with some crackpot “local QM” theory is cordially invited to either write the program so that Bell’s inequality is violated or to shut the hell up!"
May 23, 2011

Life after NMR : My Journey to Quantum Weirdness

Well maybe I am being stubborn and accept that non-locality is a property of Nature. However it is the most worrying aspect of quantum mechanics, an otherwise fantastically successful theory of the microscopic. It has got to the point that since no answer has yet been found, the vast majority of physicists (I believe grudgingly) accept the statistical nature of the microscopic and believe indeed that God does play dice.
March 10, 2010

003 Positivism, empricism

In my last entry I talked a bit about reality and introduced the ideas of Ontology (the philosophy of being) and Epistemology (the philosophy of knowledge). In this entry we move down to the microscopic level where things are quite different. Our intuition in the macroscopic Naïve Reality in which we live changes dramatically.

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