October 11, 2012

The Bloch Sphere and Spin in Quantum Mechanics

This complementary nature of states with non-commuting operators, (σX, σY ,σZ), is the basis for the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (CI). It states, basically, that if the Z states exist then the X do not, and vice versa. I would rather conclude that it is impossible to determine experimentally if spin has more than one axis of quantization.
May 26, 2011

Connecting with Felix Bloch and the Golden age of Physics

“We were not under a lot of pressure. We did not work weekends nor late at night and took our coffee breaks.” None-the-less, they were successful in seeing the first absorption of energy between the two levels of the spin of ½ magnitude which are split in the presence of a magnetic field—the Zeeman Effect.

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