June 7, 2013

Quantum Mechanics vs. Quantum business in Physics

When there are nagging doubts about something in my work I worry about them until they make sense. Experience shows me that if I brush something aside, it comes back later to bite me. So I feel that those in the field of quantum information must have the same uneasiness about non-locality. and a stubborn, even defensive, acceptance of Bell's theorem. So there must be a sense of paranoia about this inexplicable property. Local realists are a thorn, and I will only shut up if I am shown to be wrong, or some other viable local realistic explanation comes along.
June 29, 2011

Quantum Crackpot Randi Challenge Taken: Part 1

In answering the Crackpot Randi Challenge, I following Crackpot rules to obtain results which agree with the experimental data of Gregor Weihs and Alain Aspect, without entanglement.
June 27, 2011

Quantum Crackpot RANDI Counter Challenge: “Explain Quantum Weirdness”.

The phrase “quantum weirdness” is recognized as meaningless and has no place in science.

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