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I thought I would expand a bit more on my recent post on stress at exam time. The transition from high school to university is both exciting and challenging.
Likely you got through high school quite easily; memorized a lot; and/or crammed at the last minute, yet still did well. University is not like that. You have to work consistently throughout a course, keep up, and not leave your study to the last minute. You have to prepare for a university course like a runner prepares for a race. Since I teach physical chemistry, I will try to bring together some things from those courses that I hope will help students hone their study habits. You have to teach yourself to learn.
Ask yourself “Why science?”. Here are some possible reasons:
It is your life and your education. Choose the program you want, not what others tell you to take. Don’t ignore advice but think what you want before you make choices. You are over 18 and an adult.
When students do not do well on mid-terms, they often think they are not smart enough for university. If you did well in high school and passed the university entrance requirements, you have the brains and are capable. So relax and trust yourself. All you need to do is know how to keep that material in your head.
If you have a system that works for you, don’t change it. On the other hand, maybe some of the suggestions here might help.
Freshman classes are usually large and the exams are often multiple-choice and you might not be used to them. I will say a few words about multiple choice exams further on.
A “course” is a “path” through the material which your prof. decides is important and attempts to teach you. Exams come from that material, so listen to him/her. You need to organize that material, see how it fits in the big picture and manage your time properly: that is, you must be efficient.
You do not have to study all the time. University is a lot more than passing exams and good grades. You meet new people and develop socially, you join clubs that interest you, and you go out and enjoy yourself. After four years, you have the ability to think critically and the intellectual resources for a good and rewarding career.
Here are some suggestions.
If you keep up with your courses, then studying for finals is much easier because all you need to do is review and revise material you have already learned.
Know the material the Prof. emphasizes.
Allot time to courses. Some take up more time, but do not neglect the easier courses.
When studying, a lot of time is spent trying to get the material into your head, but not a lot of time is devoted to getting it out. Exams ask you to get it out.
First, do not be a passive learner. Children watching Sesame Street learn passively and this is not enough at the university level. Writing out notes and ideas is dynamic and helps to consolidate them. Articulating the material out loud helps a lot, so discuss. Ask your prof or teaching assistant questions, they really are happy to answer. Many students come to me and say. “I know this is a stupid question but…” Students do not ask stupid questions. If you do not understand something, make sure you get it because it is likely that gem of knowledge will be on the exam.
Discuss ideas with your fellow students. Working in a group is an example of peer learning. It is effective because you talk and discuss the more difficult concepts without the intimidation of your prof. You can give your views and hear the ideas of others.
At exam time, reduce your knowledge into one or two pages. Each sentence corresponds to a summary of a topic which in your mind, those you have decided are good candidates for questions.
Studies show that 1 hour of study when you are fresh in the morning is equal to 1.5 hours of study in the evening. You should do easy things at night. Memorization is best done before going to sleep. Do the challenging things in the day time.
Each of us is different, but every 50 minutes or so take a break. Concentration span can also be extended by changing topics. Ensure you have privacy when you need it. Turn off your cell phone, close the door and leave FaceBook alone while studying.
Again, studying is like preparing for a race. You do not only run. You look after your body. Get enough sleep. You can:
A few pointers:
Good luck.
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