General Physics (Non-Calculus)...
Programs cover the standard material found in high school physics courses. The material is presented without calculus and aims at being visual. Topics are explained using animations, interactions and voice comments.
Learning at your own pace. All the topics, and more, that are covered in NON-CALCULUS high school physics courses. Physical processes are presented with clear verbal descriptions and explanations. The students can engage in interactions.
Our tutorial software provides over 200 hours of study and uses the advantages of the computer giving simulations, narration, animations, and colorful graphics.
- Overview
- General principles
- Math review
- Vectors
- Kinematics
- Projectile motion
- Frames of reference
- Forces
- Newton’s laws
- Momentum and collisions
- Work and energy
- Rotational motion
- Gravity
- Thermodynamics
- Waves in physics
- Sound in physics
- Electrostatics
- Electromagnetic theory
- Pre-quantum experiments
- Quantum mechanics
- Special relativity
- Nuclear structure
The program takes advantage of multimedia technology to present teachers and students with a new way of approaching and understanding the challenging concepts and ideas found in Organic Chemistry.
- User-friendly interface allows for easy navigation
- Flexible plotting, drag & drop, and other interactive exercises
- Convenient pull-down calculator, glossary, key-word searches, note pad, periodic table and many tables of useful data
- Quizzes with step-by-step feedback
- Hundreds of 3-D visual demonstrations, movies, animations, and sound effects
- Many concise voice comments help to emphasize key concepts
- Over 200 hours of study material on each CD compiled by renowned McGill professor Dr. Bryan Sanctuary
Teacher student Target audience
- Covers all the traditional and modern topics in Organic Chemistry in undergraduate science programs.
- We encourage sales to Universities, Institutions, and Home Groups by providing Volume Discounts (found in step 2 above). These provide even greater savings over our already low prices, compared to hard copy textbooks.
Users: teachers
- Use the power of interactive multimedia to motivate your students and provide them with a clearer understanding of ideas that were once more difficult to explain.
- Promote the idea of more frequent individual study among your students and encourage them to explore various concepts and topics at their own pace.
- The many 3-D animations facilitate the explanation of complex ideas and provides students with helpful visual representations.
- Non-linear structure of the tutorial allows you the option of easily skipping to desired sections.
- Give your students access to multimedia learning tools that can help your online course environments go beyond simply posting comments and communicating with others.
- Accompany in-class lectures with a display of both graphics and text by using a conventional overhead projector.
- This can be easier and more effective than writing notes on a blackboard.
- MCH tutorials contain many good ideas for possible exam questions
- To get an idea of how our programs work, check out the screen captures of students using the tutorials.
Users: Students
As a student, your main goals are to develop a comprehensive understanding of the central ideas in your chemistry and physics classes, and of course to get good grades. Our programs can be used as a great study and review tool for midterm and final exams.
- The review sections are excellent for brushing up on previously learned concepts
- The subject matter helps put new ideas into a meaningful context. You will understand the broader concepts by studying the details.
- The interactive exercises allow you to truly engage and immerse yourself in the information. You can actively construct your own body of knowledge.
- The visual representations can provide you with an additional way of understanding some of the most challenging academic content you will encounter in your academic career.
- Quizzes and feedback provide you with an opportunity to assess your learning progress.
To get an idea of how our programs work, check out the screen captures of students using the tutorials.
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